Home Performance
Home performance is a qualitative analysis of home energy loss, comfort issues and combustion safety. Energy efficiency, indoor air quality and comfort are sacrificed when the air barrier is compromised and/or insulation is insufficient, both of which can allow air leakage. Determining the location and magnitude of a home’s air leakage provides one with a prioritized and cost effective scope of work that can decrease the home’s energy consumption and increased comfort without compromising indoor air quality.
Air Tightness
Blower door testing reveals hidden air leaks that need to be sealed. The test pulls air out of the house which lowers the air pressure inside and draws outside air through undetected cracks and openings. To further detect air leaks an infrared camera or smoke pencil is used. The exterior and interior shell of the home is inspected for obvious air sealing and insulation needs.
The attic and the box sills in your basement are inspected, as well as a variety of methods to detect insulation levels inside walls. This identifies exactly where insulation needs to be added.
Ventilation systems are inspected to confirm the proper capacity to expel excess moisture which prevents problems with general dampness and mold.
Combustion Safety
A Combustion Safety Test is also performed to assess and monitor the safe operation of a home’s gas appliances including water heaters and furnaces. These appliances need air for complete combustion and effective exhaust.
Whole Home Approach
Individual systems within a home (ventilation, insulation and HVAC) should operate in balance. Inefficiency in one system affects the efficiency of the other systems. When a home has air leaks or lacks the proper insulation, the furnace must work harder to compensate.